Saturday, August 25, 2012

Not smart enough for this web stuff.

I tried and tried but I could not get my old blogging space to transfer over to my new email address. So, I am just starting over.

(Pause in blog post to make crepes with my hubby. )
Alright so the crepes didn't work out. But the nutella-ricotta filling was already made so we made mini-pies instead. So those are in the oven.

Anyhow, Hello World!

Ricky and I have now been married for one month and a handful of days. Life is good. It is so nice to have your everyday with your best friend. Even problems don't seem so bad. We were super blessed at the wedding, but then a few things popped up and now we are really broke. I am still looking for a job. Luckily, Ricky makes enough that we can pretty much break even. But that's with only spending about 30 a week on groceries, etc. So hopefully I will find something soon. But, I am so happy.

More detailed posts coming soon!

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