Friday, July 12, 2013

VBS Week- Hometown Hangin' Out

So, I have basically forgotten to post anything since we have been living in Tampa. I have been having a really tough time adjusting to the changes in our lives and not having our own place (we are staying with Ricky's parents while we are in transition, and not having my own home is driving me bonkers, no matter how thankful I am for the money we are saving or how much I love our family). Because of this stressiness in my life, the blog- which I had planned to majorly step up- has fallen to the wayside.

Since this past Saturday, I have been away from my sweet hubby. This is the longest we have been apart since we've been married. Too long. I was telling a woman at church the other day that my mom and one of my favorite girlfriend's assured me there would come a day where leaving for a week would thrill me, but that I am just not yet at that point. Being away this long from Ricky was the main reason I looked for excuses to not do VBS this year, and was on the fence about it for so long. I can't wait to see him when I get home tomorrow night.

Having said all that, I am so glad I came to do VBS. Seeing the sweet nursery kids get so excited each day totally fills up my cup. I am really starting to feel settled in the fact that I am called to work with toddlers. It's just my thing. It's exhausting but insanely rewarding. When I see them get excited or happy, or when I know they are getting to like me or trust me and can feel how much I care for them- it just brings me joy. Those little folks are so real- you know how they think or feel, the world has not grubbed up their sense of self and their joy and their love. :)

The next picture pretty much sums up his week.

The next two are from the VBS facebook page. Me and a plate of dino chicken tenders, getting snack ready!

And sweet Miller just being Miller.

Hopefully, I will also have a good photo of me and my beautiful friend Aja who made this week fun and easy too! And tomorrow afternoon is the first birthday party for Penny, the sweet daughter of my long time friends, Kevin and Jennifer. It's been a good week with my family, friends, my home church and hometown. But I am ready to go home to my Ricky!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if I said "thrill," but it definitely won't be so bad. A week is a long time though and I know you're ready to get home to Ricky. We loved having you here though!
