Thursday, September 27, 2012

Last weekend

So, I mentioned some of the things that were slated for last weekend- but there were some surprises as well. First off, I was wrong about the brewing, this past weekend they did and IPA, the apricot brown, and the pumpkin ale. The Christmas spice is to be done a bit later.

Our Friday night was pretty relaxed, just hanging out at Ricky's folks house. We ate dinner with his parents and then watched a movie together called "Gigantic" which starred Zooey Deschanel and Paul Dano. It was really quirky and I liked it. Ricky likes when I like things, and he likes Zooey- so I think he was okay with it too. But then we went to bed pretty early because we knew Saturday was going to be a long day!

Ricky got up to brew at 6am on Saturday. Two batches in one morning. I woke around 10am and was swiftly instructed to shower and get ready. Ricky showed after brewing and we hit the road. It took a very long time to arrive at the Dali museum.

So I know this is a weird photo of Ricky,
 but it shows off some of the museum's cool architecture.

Ricky prefers to take photos of us on his own.
(What if a stranger stole the camera?)

Ricky prefers I not just shoot photos of him.

"Lexie, stop it already with the pictures."

It was a great surprise and I have been wanting to go for quite a while. We had a good time. When we got back we had a few minutes to relax and change for Ricky's pick-up soccer game with Sean and Brian. I was going too because Sean told Ricky that Raena was coming too. Raena did not come, and it was sprinkling. So I sat in the jeep and caught up on Project Runway on Ricky's phone. Technology is so cool. Sean and Ricky were the only people there, out of 4 teams, who scored. YAY!

After the game we went back to the house, Linda and Derek were out with Brian's folks. So all of us (Raena came over too) Made frozen pizzas and wings and pigged out (mostly the boys pigged on that, Raena and I had chocolate cake for pigging later). The guys went to play some playstation game and Raena and I watched three episodes of My Fair Wedding- the crazy ladies edition. It was called uncut or something, but it was just psychos. One of them wanted a BURLESQUE WEDDING. What is wrong with people? Anyhow, we heckled them for their craziness and praised David for his amazingness. 
On Sunday I went over early to help Raena get everything ready for the purse party. Which wasn't too bad, pretty laid back. Sean had to be out of the house and had taken his little brother fishing. Ricky and I were thinking of heading back early, but freshly caught fish tempted us into staying for dinner. And it was delicious. 

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